Thursday, February 28, 2013

What the f*ck? on the streets of Bishkek

Last years street art in Bishkek gets more and more popular. People express their worldview by drawing and posting provocative posters and images on the walls, buildings, undergrounds and other vertical objects.

"Che za huinya?" is a russian translation of "What the f*ck?"

Several interesting posters in one place in Bishkek

Such strange and really provocative posters have started appearing on the main streets in Bishkek after the 7th April revolution in 2010.

The author of these street art executives was in shadow, until the time when in 2011 the journalists of Asiastan news media found him on order to take an interview and make a news story about his interesting works.

"Too many rumors"

Denis Kapkanec or secretly called "Dope" is a street artist from Kyrgyzstan. Denis was making such posters more than 3 years. By drawing and publishing these provocative works, he not only shook up the Kyrgyz society, but also tried to call for a dialogue.

"Shepard Fairey is a kind of my idol. He also started with a little. He has glued posters with the phrase "OBEY" and the face of Andre The Giant man. I think that I can make not worse than him.", - says Denis.

"Glue who wants to!"

Unfortunately, Denis a.k.a Dope does not make such posters now because many of his works are copying and duplicating by unknown artists. They follow not only Denis's original style, but also brazenly repeat his works. These secret guys have remained a mystery for me, although I hope that I can still find them and take an interview!!!

Beyond and below are Denis Kapkanec and his duplicates creative works.

"Immediate download of a brain"

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