Sunday, February 10, 2013

ADIDAS makes a trailer in Kyrgyzstan

The team of the popular brand ADIDAS which designs and manufactures sports clothing and accessories shot a 3-minutes video in Kyrgyzstan. 

Amazing Kyrgyz mountains became the main characters of the new Adidas company's video "Time - for the Whiteroom".


The group of free-riders (skiers and snowboarders) decided to make 25-minutes film about the mountains of Alaska, the Alps, and Kyrgyzstan. Ten enthusiastic athletes have traveled the world during the one year. They conquer biggest mountains, descending from them on skis. This short trailer was made by them as a part of the whole movie. 


The filmmakers traveled to Kyrgyzstan and have visited mountains which are unknown to foreigners: Altyn of Arashan (Terskei Ala-Too) located in the Issyk-Kul lake, and Ala-Archa gorge.  


The essence of the project is to show the exciting combination of nature in mountains and the taste of adrenaline.


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