Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cinema theaters in Osh are restoring after 20 years of omission

If Hollywood produces approximately 150 movies a year, for the citizens of Osh city in Kyrgyzstan a revive of old cinema theaters is a big happiness!

Cinemas in Osh city come to life after a long period of inactivity. Although the scale displays have not reached the level of the Soviet era, the citizens are hoping that going to the movies will again become a tradition.

the image from

In 1965 local authorities opened the first large cinema in Osh city . It was designed for 600 people and its name is "Kyrgyzstan".

11 years later, in 1976, the cinema "Semetey" was opened. It was the largest cinema theater with two cinemas in the city.

Tickets for shows at the two theaters were sold out well in advance of the show. There was not a person who
would not visit movies at that times.

the image from
Then there have appeared even more 6 cinemas to the end of 80-s.

As the director of the "Semetey" cinema Baktygul Malabaeva says to the journalists, the cinema theater is the hallmark of Osh city by now.

"The tradition and culture of going to theaters will never die. Watch a movie on the TV and in a cinema - is completely different things," - she says.

Another cinema that will amaze the residents of Osh soon is "Kyrgyzstan". It is under the reconstruction by now, but the whole work that has been done is only the update of the roof of the building and a little work in the main hall of "Kyrgyzstan".

Hope that this push will affect the whole situation and all other cinema theaters will be also reconstructed, and people will enjoy these new "movie-worlds" in the beautiful city of Osh!

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